Job completed for P&L Cast Stone, Inc.

Completion date: April 16, 2020

Location: Roanoke, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

This customer contacted us to help them get internet in a remote location of his business complex by installing a fiber optic cable and installing network equipment for him to have wifi.

Solutions provided:

This customer had a very unique situation for us to solve. The owner of a very large business park wanted to have wifi in his RV on the back of his property. Since he travels the country most of the year when he is here to check on his business he wants to have internet access. Our original discussion was to install a Point to Point antenna solution but because of the topography and trees, he felt as though it would not be a reliable solution so he wanted a fiber connection. We decided upon installing a loose tube 6 strand multi-mode fiber cable approximately 1500 feet to his RV from his building. We utilized a fan-out kit on each end and terminated the SC connectors to the fiber inside the fan-out kit. The fan-out kit serves as a support structure for the bare fibers inside loose tub fiber cabling. Once we terminated and tested the fiber we plugged both ends into Gigabit media converters and then patched them into network switches on both ends. On one end was the router with internet connectivity and on the other end was a waterproof box with a media converter that was connected to a switch in the RV with a Ubiquiti Access Point. We created the SSID and password and our customer was very pleased with the connection speed which was over 130Mbs. We considered this a very unusual yet successful project.

Team members on this project:

Clint Polley, Jose Garcia

Photos & Videos:

Roanoke Fiber Installation
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Roanoke Fiber Installation
Fan Out Kit Installation
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Fan Out Kit Installation

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