Job completed for Western Flyer

Completion date: October 26, 2020

Location: Midlothian, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

The customer was digging up some landscaping and pulled up the conduit with fiber that connected two buildings at their facility in Midlothian, TX.

Solutions provided:

This customer thought they had damaged their fiber between their main building and their repair center down a hill on their property. When we inspected the fiber we noticed they had armored 6 strands multi-mode fiber optic cable running through the conduit. The cable did not appear damaged so we decided to shoot a Visual Fault Locators laser through the strands. The first strand was good and the second strand was very faint on the other end with laser coming through. Fortunately, they had a spare strand with an ST connector on it and we put the VFL on it and it tested good. We plugged both into their media convertor and the link lights came on. After calling the local contact he could see the network switch and said they are back up and running. This was just an issue of a bad strand or possibly connector but the customer did not want to resolve the issue but simply switch to a back up fiber and keep running. They where very happy with our service and gave us a five star review for making it to there location so quickly to get them back up and running.

Team members on this project:

Clint Polley

Photos & Videos:

Western Flyer
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Western Flyer

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